CBD Dosage Chart

Trying to find the proper dose with our chart?

Finding the correct dose can be night and day when it comes to possibly treating an ailment. The Pharma-kinetic studies are still tentative in the CBD realm however countless users are still able to fine-tune their perfect dose. The best way to take CBD is to start gradually. 10mg / user is a good starting point. It’s best practiced to sit on that dose for approximately 1 week prior to making any adjustments. Spreading the dose throughout the day yields the best results as it keeps the CBD in the system throughout the day. We suggest users to split their dose with ever meal! Although not all dosages are divisible into three, we suggest the largest dose be taken in the evening. For instance, If a user to taking 10mg / day, we suggest 3 mg in the morning, 3 at lunch, and 4 in the evening. This allows for consistent presence of CBD in the body.

After a week’s time, if the user is looking for more relief, the user should try by increasing 2 mg / dosing session (i.e. 6 mg in the day) and stick to it for a week.

Although we try to generalize the results via our calculator, the CBD Dosage Chart Below offers an easier (more general) approach to consuming CBD.

It’s important to note that CBD Does react with certain drugs. We ask CBD users to read our article on CBD Drug interactions HERE.

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Below is a compiled chart of the Average CBD Dosages as per Ailment and Severity that is based on our own hosted survey. We encourage you to help us calculate and refine our dosages by filling out our survey…

CBD Dosage Survey Results

The results below are based on our survey averages. For more precise estimates please utilize our CBD Dosage Estimation Calculator…

Ailment ↓ Mild Medium Severe
General Health (Prophylactics) N/A 27 N/A
ADD/ADHD 26 77 154
Alzheimer’s 18 54 108
Anxiety 11 33 67
Arthritis 16 58 110
Autism 18 51 146
Bi-Polar Disorder 17 60 153
Cancer 60 164 311
Crohn’s 33 98 195
Dementia 18 54 108
Depression 27 81 162
Epilepsy 14 42 83
High Blood Pressure 17 48 95
IBS 21 62 125
Inflammation 7 21 42
Lupus 9 21 59
Lyme Disease 21 78 122
Migraines 8 24 50
Multiple Sclerosis 9 27 54
Myeloma 50 170 328
Nausea 6 17 33
Neuropathic Pain 21 64 129
Pain (General) 17 52 104
Parkinson’s 54 163 326
Premenstrual Syndrome 6 19 39
Rheumatoid Arthritis 11 27 54
Schizophrenia 53 150 390
Sleep (aid) 17 50 102
Tremors 16 48 124
Ulcerative Colitis 22 67 133