CBD Dosage Calculator

Version 1.02 | Updated 1/27/2018


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We advise you to review the list of Drugs that interact with CBD before using CBD Products... Click Here for More Information

↓ Most Popular CBD Dosage for Your Ailment / Weight ↓

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More Information:

Statistics:This dosage is the Preferred Dosage for ~20% of Users per Weight / Ailment.

Suggestion:This dose may be an effective introductory dosage for the first week of use... It is suggested to split the dosage throughout the day with ever meal . 80% of users proceed to the Step 2 Dosage after one week...

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this will display "0" if conversion option wasn't selected...

More Information:

Statistics:This dosage is the Preferred Dosage for ~35% of Users per Weight / Ailment.

Suggestions:It is suggested to split this dosage throughout the day with ever meal. Also, this estimated dose may be an effective Maintenance Dosage for many users. 45% of users proceed to the Step 3 Dosage after seven days of staying on step 2

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this will display "0" if conversion option wasn't selected...

More Information:

Statistics: This dosage is the Preferred Dosage for ~45% of Users per Weight / Ailment.

Suggestions:This dose is suggested after 3 incremental weeks of CBD use... It is suggested to split the dose throughout the day with ever meal. For those who have not benefited from this dosage either reduce or continue to incrementally increase by 5 mg / week until their desired effects are achieved.

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